SIGMAA on Statistics and Data Science Education

Article I. Identification

Section 1. Name

The name of the SIGMAA will be the SIGMAA on Statistics and Data Science Education.

Section 2. Purpose

The purpose of this SIGMAA is to:

  1. facilitate the exchange of ideas through meetings, sessions, publications, and electronic media, about:
    • a) teaching statistics and data science, from introductory service courses through advanced undergraduate courses,
    • b) the undergraduate statistics and data science curriculum and its role within programs of mathematical sciences,
    • c) all other issues related to providing students with effective and engaging encounters with statistics and data science in their courses of study;
  2. foster increased understanding of statistics and data science among members of the MAA and among broader constituencies, for example by encouraging the publication of expository articles and statistical and data science theory and practice;
  3. promote the discipline of statistics and data science among students;
  4. work cooperatively with other organizations to encourage effective teaching and learning of statistics and data science.

Article II. Activities

Section 1. Section Activities

This SIGMAA will engage in activities such as, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Hold an annual meeting in conjunction with MathFest,
  2. Sponsor sessions in connection with MathFest,
  3. Maintain an e-mail list to facilitate communication among members,
  4. Maintain a web page of links related to undergraduate statistics and data science,
  5. Promote the publication of articles related to undergraduate statistics and data science in MAA publications, and
  6. Encourage similar activities among (regional) sections of the MAA.

Section 2. Relationship with MAA Activities

  1. The ASA/MAA Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics and Data Science Education. Opportunities for cooperation between the SIGMAA and the Committee abound. While the Committee’s charge is to address issues of curriculum, pedagogy, and faculty development, the SIGMAA will provide a group that can work at a more “grass roots” level to implement various initiatives. It is also expected that the SIGMAA will provide a means of communicating needs and concerns for the Committee’s consideration. To facilitate this communication in both directions, it is expected that MAA representatives will join the SIGMAA and that SIGMAA officers will attend the meetings of the Committee. This SIGMAA will also aim to contribute to the work of other MAA committees whose charges concern statistics education. Examples include the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics and the Committee on Professional Development. This SIGMAA will also seek to work closely with the analogous group within the American Statistical Association - its Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, and with similar groups committed to statistics education within other organizations.
  2. No activity of this SIGMAA, including publications, shall be represented as coming from the MAA at large, but rather from this SIGMAA, unless such activity and representation have been approved by the Executive Committee of the MAA. c. Reports of this SIGMAA’s activities shall be included in an annual report submitted by the SIGMAA to the MAA Committee on SIGMAAs, with copies to the chair of the Coordinating Council to which the SIGMAA is assigned.

Article III. Meetings

Section 1. Frequency and place of meetings

The general membership meeting of this SIGMAA shall take place at the August MAA MathFest. Other activities may be scheduled at the summer MAA meeting and at MAA Section meetings. SIGMAA business may also be conducted by e-mail provided that a quorum is attained.

Section 2. Conduct of meetings

The SIGMAA Chair shall preside over the annual business meeting. The Chair will circulate an agenda via e-mail one month in advance and will ask for additional agenda items at that time. The Chair will allow ample time for discussion and will seek to achieve consensus. When a consensus is not reached, decisions will be made by a vote using Robert’s Rules of Order. When the Executive Committee decides that an issue requires attention of the entire SIGMAA before the next general meetings, it may conduct a business meeting over e-mail. The same definition of a quorum applies to any vote taken over e-mail, and again it is expected that ample time for discussion will be allowed. Members will be given at least two weeks to vote on any issue requiring a vote over e-mail.

  • Section 3. A quorum at membership meetings, including e-mail meetings, shall consist of at least 20 members and at least three officers. At least two of the three officers must be elected, as opposed to appointed officers.

Article IV. Membership

Section 1

Membership in this SIGMAA shall be open to all MAA members.

Article V. Officers

Section 1. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of this SIGMAA is composed of the Chair-Elect, Chair, Past-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, and Program Chair, all elected officers. The Webmaster is an appointed officer. The Chair-Elect/Chair/Past-Chair will serve for a three year term, with one year in each office. The Secretary-Treasurer and Program Chair will serve staggered two-year terms. Terms will start at the beginning of January.

Section 2. Duties of officers

  • The Chair will preside at SIGMAA meetings, will organize and direct the activities of the group, will serve as liaison with the MAA administration and with other organizations that work with statistics and data science education, and will be the chief spokesperson for the SIGMAA. In this last capacity the Chair will communicate with members through the email listserve and through the web page to keep members apprised of SIGMAA activities. The Chair also appoints the Webmaster.
  • In addition to assisting the Chair, the Chair-Elect will serve as the Nominations Officer, working with the rest of the Executive Committee to select a slate of candidates for the two offices (Chair-Elect and either Secretary-Treasurer or Program Chair) open in any year. The Chair-Elect will solicit suggestions and volunteers for serving as officers from the membership
  • The Secretary-Treasurer will keep a record of the affairs of the SIGMAA, handle correspondence, and submit written reports to the MAA as required, and will be responsible for all finances of the SIGMAA and for preparation of financial reports as required
  • The Program Chair will solicit proposals for sessions such as contributed paper sessions and minicourses at MathFest, as well as other workshops, conferences, etc., from the SIGMAA membership. The program chair will also submit the proposals for sessions that are to be part of the MAA scientific program at MathFest via MAA’s online proposal submission system by the posted deadlines. The program chair will arrange sessions at MathFest that are directed primarily at the SIGMAA membership, such as guest lectures and business meetings, by contacting the MAA associate secretary.
  • The Webmaster will be responsible for maintenance and updates to the SIGMAA website.

Section 3. Elections, Appointments, and Terms of Office

  1. The chair, chair-elect, and past-chair will serve for one year in each office. The program chair and secretary-treasurer will each serve a two-year term. The program chair will be elected in even years, while secretary-treasurer will be elected in odd years. It will be necessary for either the first program chair or the first secretary-treasurer to serve a one year term, depending on the year of charter. Terms will start at the beginning of January.
  2. A Nominating Committee will consist of the chair-elect and two SIGMAA members appointed by the SIGMAA Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee will solicit suggestions and volunteers for office from the membership and then select a slate of one or more candidates for office open in any given year
  3. Election of officers will take place by electronic ballot of the membership. By October 1, the MAA will distribute to the SIGMAA members instructions for voting, and voting must be completed by October 31. The electronic ballot will indicate that write-in votes are permitted. The winner will be the candidate receiving the most votes. Ties will be broken by a fair, unbiased random process supervised by the MAA.
    • If fewer than 20 members vote, the current officers will remain in office until further deliberate actions are taken to achieve a quorum (see section V.1 for the definition of quorum.)
    • Note: The use of the term “electronic” throughout this document will be understood to refer to any widely accepted form of electronic communication, such as e-mail, internet chat or call, web-conferencing, web-surveying, discussion board, etc.
  4. Should an office other than chair become vacant midterm, the SIGMAA Executive Committee, in consultation with the most recent Nominating Committee, will appoint a member of the SIGMAA to fill that office for the remainder of the term of office.Should the office of chair become vacant midterm, the SIGMAA Executive Committee will appoint a member of the SIGMAA Executive Committee to fill the office of chair for the remainder of the term. Should this appointment in turn create a vacant office, the SIGMAA Executive Committee will fill the vacant position according to the rules just given.
  5. The Webmaster is an appointed position, with a fixed term of 2 years and reappointment possible.

Article VI. Finances

Section 1. Dues

An annual MAA dues supplement shall be assessed each member of this SIGMAA. This fee will be used to support in part the activities of this SIGMAA. The manner of collection and disbursement of these funds will be determined by the MAA Executive Committee. This SIGMAA may formally request a change of this amount by sending such a request to the MAA Executive Committee on SIGMAAs, which after consideration will forward a recommendation to the MAA Executive Committee. The MAA Executive Committee may also initiate a request for a change of the dues supplement.

Section 2. Expense Budget

This SIGMAA shall submit an expense budget for each calendar year to the MAA Director of Programs and Services no later than March 15 of the preceding year. It shall include the projected cost for all planned SIGMAA activities, including cost of receptions, space, equipment, et cetera at meetings, national and otherwise. The budget is subject to the approval of the MAA Executive Committee.

Section 3. Other MAA funding

The SIGMAA may apply to the MAA for specific funding beyond what is provided from dues. All requests for funds shall be substantiated by a budget for the proposed expenditures.

Article VII. External Funding

Section 1. Grant Proposals

This SIGMAA may write grant proposals to be submitted by the MAA. The SIGMAA will follow the policies and procedures of the MAA for all such submissions.

Section 2

Neither this SIGMAA nor any officer not any representative thereof shall have any authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, or in anyway bind the MAA.

Article VIII. Changes

Section 1. Changes to the Charter

Changes to the Charter may be proposed by a 2/3 vote either of the members present at a general meeting or of the members voting if the vote is taken by e-mail, provided that a quorum exists. Notice of the proposed changes must be sent to the membership via e-mail, allowing at least one month for discussion. The proposed changes must them be submitted for consideration to the Committee on SIGMAAs, which will forward a recommendation on approval to the MAA Executive Committee.

Section 2. MAA-initiated changes

Changes to this Charter may also be initiated by the MAA Executive Committee, which will forward such a request to the MAA Committee on SIGMAAs. In turn, the Committee on SIGMAAs will work with the SIGMAA to develop specific new language for the charter that is acceptable to the SIGMAA. The Committee on SIGMAAs will then forward the revised charter to the MAA Executive Committee to be considered for approval. In this event, changes must be approved by the Board of Governors.

Article IX. Dissolution

Section 1. Reasons for dissolution

This SIGMAA shall be dissolved for either of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to maintain at least 30 members for two consecutive years, or
  2. For reasons agreed to by a majority vote of the Board of Governors.

Section 2. Remaining Funds

If dissolved, any unspent funds of this SIGMAA shall be returned to the MAA’s general fund.